TRU Open Education Working Group

To foster and support a culture of Open Education (OE) initiatives at TRU.
To expand and support sustainable Open Education (OE) initiatives and to support collaboration amongst departments and faculties at TRU for both campus and online delivery. These initiatives include the development, adoption, and adaptation of Open Educational Resources (OER) and open pedagogies.
Participation will be open to anyone interested in open education. Membership will be encouraged from key stakeholders to best represent the breadth of supports and interests across TRU. A chair and vice-chair will be elected by the working group membership for a year term. The vice-chair will take on the role of the chair the subsequent year to foster sustainable succession planning. In the absence of the chair the vice-chair will fulfill the chair role. The chair will organize and chair meetings, will serve as a contact to for open initiatives and projects as needed and work with sub-groups to help promote successful completion of projects.
Key stakeholders may include one or more representatives from the following departments/divisions:
- University Library
- Open Learning
- Office of Aboriginal Education
- TRU World
- Marketing and Communications
- Information Technology Services
- Enrolment Services and University Registrar
- Ancillary services
Faculty Representation:
- Arts
- Business and Economics
- Science
- Education and Social Work
- Trades and Technology
- Adventure, Culinary Arts, Tourism
- Law
- Nursing
- Student Development
The OEWG will work towards the development, coordination, and support of Open Education initiatives, which will include but not be limited to:
- Develop a coordinated strategy for OER development (campus and online) including Zed-Cred and OERu;
- Inventory all TRU OER and open pedagogy efforts (existing; developing; prospective);
- Assist in the coordination of resources (SIF grant in place and proposals for further SIF grants) to support development, launch, sustainability, scale, and maintenance);
- Review and analyze historical and post-OER enrolment data in order to inform OER strategies and activities;
- Create a sustainable practice of OE development and usage;
- Investigate and share best practices;
- Assist with ‘launch’ & marketing campaign of open education initiatives;
- Collaborate on workshops and research initiatives to promote and evaluate open initiatives;
- Collaborate with BCcampus on various open initiatives
- Develop and maintain an evaluation strategy for measuring the impacts of various open education initiatives and projects
Meetings will be initiated by the Chair at least twice per year. Meetings will take place within the scope of safe practices prescribed by the PHO.
Amending the Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference may be revised upon the recommendation of the committee.
Date: November 23, 2018