Thompson Rivers University – OER Development Grant

The OER Development Grant (OERDG) program at TRU provides funding and staff support to TRUFA and TRUOLFA members who wish to integrate open educational resources (OER) into their TRU courses. This direct support can be used by faculty to adopt, adapt, create, and/or integrate OER as primary materials within their TRU courses.
The purpose of this initiative is:
- To support faculty to integrate OER into their courses (through course release or other financial support/incentive)
- To build capacity at TRU for creating and adapting open textbooks and other OER that are up to date and appropriate for TRU curricula
- To demonstrate TRU’s commitment to student needs as outlined in TRUSU’s Open Textbook Grants Program proposal.
The University Library in conjunction with the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) and Open Learning are pleased to coordinate the Open Education Resource (OER) Development Grant Program which has been generously funded by a Strategic Initiative Fund (SIF) Grant for 2019/2020 and 2020/2021.

The project will is administered by the University Library, the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT), and Open Learning.
Successful applicants may receive up to $6,500 to be used for course release or financial incentive to help faculty redesign a TRU course to use OER as their primary course material, and to help them adopt and/or adapt open textbooks and other OER for that purpose. An additional $500 may be available to support travel costs related to dissemination of results of their efforts.
Successful applicants are encouraged to work closely with faculty and staff from the University Library and CELT who will be available to assist recipients in locating, evaluating, and adapting high-quality open resources as an alternative to commercial course materials. Support staff in Open Learning are available to assist with digital formats, text editing, and layout needs.
See TRU Libraries – Open Educational Resources for more information.
For more information on TRU’s OERDG program and to see the list of recipients, visit the Inside TRU blog.
To apply view TRU’s OER Development Grant Application Information.
2021 Recipients:
Sally Walters – Faculty of Arts
- OER for PSYC 2131
Noah Arney, Leanne Mihalicz and Sarah Gibson – Faculty of Student Development
- Career and Experiential Learning resource
Sharon Brewer and Lindsay Blackstock – Faculty of Science (Chemistry)
- Supplementary Learning resources – Interactive study questions
Kellee Caton – Faculty of Arts, Culinary and Tourish
- Translation of Seminal studies and development of global network for sharing.
Bala Nikku, Faculty of Social Work
- OER for International Social Work
Melanie Reed – School of Business and Economics
- Labour Relations Curated Course Materials
Yan Yan – Department of Computing Science
- Integrated Course Materials for Bioinformatics and Biological Data Analysis
William Little – TRU-OL
- Introduction to Sociology: 3rd Canadian Edition
Christina Cederlof – University and Employment Preparation Department
- Adapting Open Education Resources (OER) for Use in the Education and Skills Training (ESTR) Program with a Focus on H5P
Renee Anderson and Andrea Sullivan – School of Nursing
- Physical Assessment and Critical Thinking in Nursing H5P Video Series
2020 Recipients:
Tracy Christianson and Kim Morris – School of Nursing
- Development of OER for Health Care Assistant Programs in British Columbia
Michelle Harrison – TRU-OL
- Open Pedagogy Publishing Platform
Nicole Schabus – Faculty of Law
- Open Educational Resource Development for learning related to the TRC Calls to Action
Natasha Ramroop Singh – Faculty of Science
- Adaptation, Modification and Adoption of a selected OER – for Integration into BIOL 2340 – Introduction to Genetics
Jenna Woodrow – Faculty of Arts
- OERs for Introduction to Ethics and Elementary Formal Logic
Tory Anchikoski and Eric Villeneuve – University Preparation
- Approved resource: CHEM 0500
- Project title: Introduction to Chemistry 1
Nancy Carson – SOBE
- Approved resource: ECON 3730
- Project title: Forest Economics
Iza Mazur and Kim Moshenko – University Preparation
- Approved resource: MATH 0550
- Project title: Advanced Business Mathematics
Rochelle Stevenson – Sociology
- Approved resource: SOCI 2720
- Project title: Introduction to Social Science Research
Biggi Weischedel and Marie Bartlett – Open Learning
- Approved courses: multiple courses, including marketing, tourism, or hospitality
- Project title: Indigenous Case Studies in Marketing
2019 Recipients
Dan Thompson – SOBE
- Approved courses: business finance courses
- Project title: Textbook replacement in Business Finance courses
Tina Block and John Belshaw – History
- Project title: BC History Open Textbook Sprint
Jamie Noakes and Shawn Read – Career and Experiental Learning
- Project title: CELD Textbook
Carol Rees – Education
- Project title: Steps to Student-Centered Scientific Inquiry
Gloria Ramirez – Education
- Project title: OERs for Research Methods in Education Phase II
Steven Earle – Geology
- Project title: Creating a 2nd edition of Physical Geology
Crystal Huscroft – Geography
- Project title: A Multi-Institutional Introductory Physical Geography Open Textbook
Hilda Freimuth – TESL
- Project title: Real Academic Essays: STEM
Christine Miller – University Preparation
- Project title: Indigenous Peoples in Education: A Stock Photo Collection Project
2018 Recipients

Bruno Cinel—Chemistry
- Approved resources: CHEM 1500 for campus students, CHEM 1503 for Open Learning students
- Project title: Integrating open educational resources into first year general chemistry: CHEM 1500 and OL
Christine Miller—University Preparation
- Approved resource: BIOL 0600
- Project title: Opening Up the Human Body (but not literally): An Open Textbook for ABE Human Biology
Crystal Huscroft—Geography
- Approved resource: GEOG 1000
- Project title: Earth System Science Open Textbook
Gloria Ramirez—Education
- Approved resources: EDUC 5010, EDUC 5011
- Project title: OERs for Research Methods in Education
Jamie Noakes and Shawn Read—Career and Experiential Learning Department
- Approved resource: CO-OP 1000
- Project title: Co-op 1000 and Co-op Work Term Textbook
Renée Anderson—Nursing
- Approved resources: NURS 2740, NURS 2840
- Project title: Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Health Care…adapted for TRU School of Nursing BScN program
Shannon Smyrl—Communications and New Media
- Approved resources: CMNS 1290 for campus students, CMNS 1291 for Open Learning students
- Project title: Professional Writing Lessons